What my clients say

Alexis, Stockholm (VIP client)

"I was feeling overwhelmed, over-stretched, and unable to cope with the stresses of work/life. I was prioritizing everyone but myself and feeling unsure in all of my decisions. I was at a “now or never” point to get help before it turned into burnout. After working with Sofia, I was able to take back control of my time and energy.

I stopped working overtime, set boundaries, asked for help when needed and began delegating more. I’m happier and less stressed as a result, and I have rediscovered what brings me joy. I’ve gained self-confidence and self-esteem that was lost along the way. I have experienced what I can only describe as exponential internal growth.

Sofia is able to span the personal & professional spectrums so seamlessly, it’s almost like getting two coaches for the price of one. She’s warm, positive, empathetic, a great listener and an overall badass person.

She provides you the deep knowledge, wisdom and huge toolbox to guide you through the process of discovering your authentic self, reminding you of your superpower skills, and passions and helps put new routines and habits in place. I’m honestly not sure I would have made the transition without Sofia’s know-how, encouragement, and support."

Emma, Gothenburg (VIP client)

“When I took on a new role after my second parental leave, I felt a need for support that neither my family nor my colleagues could give me. Someone with an outside perspective, that could support me in the challenges I meet in my everyday life.

Sofia was the perfect match understanding the challenges of juggling a demanding role in a high-paced environment, and at the same time having small kids and dealing with time pressure, lack of sleep, limited time for rest and recovery, and the feeling of never having enough time or energy.

In our weekly 1:1s, Sofia helped me set my priorities, find new ways of thinking, see things in a new, and more helpful, perspective, and gave me useful tools that I will continue using for the rest of my life!

With this, she helped me find ways to use my time and energy in a way that better served my, my family's and my professional life's needs.

I always left our sessions feeling happier, stronger, and more confident, ready to take on the challenges I had in front of me.

Sofia’s strengths lie in her ability to truly care on a personal level, and at the same time being professional and supportive with a big dose of knowledge, experience and warmth.

From the bottom of my heart, I recommend Sofia to anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life and level up to the best version of themselves but needs help with the right tools, steps and support to do so.

Sofia is the one you need!“

Ellen, Stockholm (VIP client)

“Before working with Sofia in her 1-1 coaching program, I was (without knowing it) on the verge of burning out and trying to cope with a lot of stress both at work and in my private life. Also, I had been longing for new professional challenges for some time but was not sure of what I wanted to do. I felt depleted, overwhelmed, lost, and like I did not have any time or energy to spend on me.

Some specific milestones from my time working together with Sofia are that I early on in the program gained awareness of how my work/life situation was impacting me and my wellbeing. As a result I decided to put my health first and to pull the breaks in order to avoid complete burnout. During this challenging time Sofia's presence and support was immensely valuable to me. The safe space she created, the resources she shared and the thoughtful coaching questions she asked helped me to understand what patterns, mindsets and habits I needed to change to live and work in a healthier way. Later on in the program Sofia supported me with various tools to boost my self-confidence and self-esteem. She also helped me figure out what professional challenges I had been longing for and guided me in discovering what direction I wanted my career to take.

Today I have a lot more energy and motivation both at work and in my private life. I feel strong, calm and certain that I am on the right path. I am proud of the transformation I have gone through and the changes I have created for myself. Looking back I am so grateful that I decided to invest in myself and get help, in many ways it ended up being a life-changing decision.

Based on my experience working with Sofia I can only give my highest recommendations to anyone considering working with her. Sofia is an empathetic, positive, and resourceful coach who is really committed to always doing her best to help her clients. She will lovingly challenge you, support and guide you through whatever change you wish to create for yourself.”

Link to a podcast interview with Ellen here: Ep 30. Exhausted to Empowered: Finding Strength, Overcoming Fears & Pursuing Dreams - A Client Story with Ellen Dieden Sandell

Anna Kavelj, Elite Woodhams Relocation, Melbourne (Corporate client)

"Sofia provided support to our team when they were at risk of burnout and I was in danger of losing staff. She led six consecutive workshops on topics such as stress management, saying no, and setting boundaries, and also provided one-on-one coaching. The practical tips she shared were effective and the team is now better connected. As a result, the team is in a better space and we had our first company offsite in years, which Sofia helped plan. If you're considering hiring Sofia for your company, do it. She's a magician and you won't regret it. She's calm, funny, kind, open, and clear, and made a huge difference to our team at a crucial time. Thank you, Sofia!"

Anna Setterberg, Stockholm (VIP client)

"I was referred to Sofia by my husband at a major turning point in my life. I was burned out, exhausted and was looking for tools to repair my crushed spirits. Little did I know, her experience, guidance and massive toolbox would play a major role in my process of re-discovering my inner calm, joy and passion. To anyone feeling stressed out or needing to remind themselves of their inner superpowers, I highly recommend investing in coaching. Sofia, I am so grateful for the support and energy you give."

Link to a podcast interview with Anna here: From Severe Burnout to Perfect Health and Dream Job - A Client Story

Sandra, Gothenburg (VIP Client)

When I started working with Sofia I was suffering from burnout 8 months prior. I was feeling much better but was still struggling a lot with mental fatigue and intolerance to stress. I also felt lost. I didn’t know what I should or could do with my life now. My inner bitch was telling me a lot of lies. I wanted help to get me back up and into a life I wanted to live.

Here are a few (of many milestones) that I reached after working with Sofia: 

- I stopped drinking coffee (I’m a coffee nerd so that is huge for me). 

- I went through the program on mental fitness which was amazing! It made me aware of what my inner saboteurs are and gave me tools to work around it.

- I started meditating daily.

- I became a certified yoga teacher and got hired!

- I’m not as afraid now of performance (or addicted to it) as Sofia helped me see success from a new perspective. 

- I have a goal and a plan for what I can try and do to reach it.

I’m very grateful for all of this. I know I’ve come a long way and feel more confident about what I can do. I also feel I’m living more in accordance with my values which gives me relief and not thinking about all the possibilities of what I could do.

The right coach, for what you need in your life right now, will find its way to you. If you found Sofia, I am more than confident that she will be able to help you with what you need help with. 

As she has lived through similar struggles, and is now embodying a different way of living. If you have listened to her podcast you can see some of her knowledge, but getting 1:1 will help you in the way you need.

She’s humble, sincere, and has a positive mindset. 

She has a good blend of letting me figure things out and calling me out when needed. I appreciate that!”

Manuela, Stockholm (Participant in a group program on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction)

"I got introduced to Sofia through a friend and got the chance to participate in a mindfulness and anti-stress course held by Sofia. I sure think everyone would benefit from a course like this! She had a fantastic approach and is very knowledgeable about the topics of mindfulness and anti-stress. The course has given me several tools to be able to enjoy life even more, stress less and be aware of my environment. I can really recommend Sofia as a guide. If you have a company, why not hire Sofia to help reduce the stressful environment within your workplace."

Minna, Stockholm (Participant in my past group coaching program Mind, Body & Soul for Badass Women)

"When I started the program I was under quite a lot of pressure and stress. I believe the most significant change for me came after the program ended. I needed to get some time to digest and reflect. My focus now is to set a routine that's not too ambitious. I am working on accepting good enough and I feel calmer now. Investing this time in yourself is the best thing you can do for your well-being. With Sofia, you will recognize areas where you want to make a change. Sofia is an extraordinary coach; she actively listens and helps you realize where and what you want to work on or improve. She supports you in setting a (doable) plan to get there. But most of all, Sofia has so much empathy and the biggest heart. You really feel that Sofia is committed and cares about your progress and well-being."

Malou, Stockholm (VIP client)

"Sofia’s coaching felt supportive and uplifting in a genuine and empathetic way. She listens, summarizes and mirrors in a way that made me see myself in a new light, something that gave me a more positive view of myself. Thanks to the small assignments I took on between the sessions, the coaching continued as an active part of my daily life. I will reach out to Sofia again and I can really recommend others to do the same when you need support in life."

Terese, Falun (VIP client)

"With her presence and ability to truly listen she captures words and emotions in the coaching that touches in a powerful way. It creates a possibility of connecting to your inner wisdom to change for real. Sofia is professional and creates value for what you invest in your coaching; time, energy & money. Then it’s up to you to take your next step when you have the toolbox to do so."

Anonymous (Participant in my past group coaching program Mind, Body & Soul for Badass Women)

“This program has given me a general feeling of balance in my life. I can handle stress better and I gained in-depth knowledge about how food, sleep, stress and rest all affect my well-being.”

Anonymous (Participant in my past group coaching program Mind, Body & Soul for Badass Women)

“Since joining this program, I've been able to set concrete routines, I’ve also become more aware of how I prioritize my time and feel stronger for following my own needs rather than external expectations. I've started meditating and keep a gratitude journal where I write down what I am happy and grateful for, big or small.”