Ep 15. Level Up Your Leadership: The Power of a Positive Mindset

Episode Show Notes

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. 

How cool is that? 

This is because your thoughts become your reality. And it’s something that you can use to your advantage! 

Today, we're diving deep into a subject that's the backbone of not only your career but also your overall sense of happiness and wellbeing: your mindset.

You know, the guru Tony Robbins once said, 'Where your focus goes, your energy flows.' And I couldn't agree more. 

In the high-stakes, high-pressure world of leadership, it's easy to focus on the to-do lists, the meetings, the endless emails, and of course, that glass ceiling.

But what if I told you that by shifting your focus inward, and looking at your mindset, you could experience a transformation that impacts every aspect of your life?

That’s how powerful this work is and we're going to explore how a simple shift in mindset can change the way you lead, live, and thrive.

Hi ladies, 

If you’re not 100% certain what this mindset thing is all about, I will give you an intro:

So, in short, mindset is the mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.

As you can hear, it’s a pretty big deal and will impact you a lot. 

Mindset isn't just a buzzword; it's a framework that can make all the difference in how far you climb the corporate ladder and how fulfilled you feel while doing it. 

According to Harvard Business Review, women leaders with a positive mindset are not only more resilient but also more likely to take calculated risks that lead to career growth.

So, let's dissect this. There are primarily two types of mindsets — fixed and growth. 

A fixed mindset is more black or white, I'm either good at something or I'm not. This can hold you back, making you hesitant to go for that promotion or negotiate that pay raise. 

On the flip side, a growth mindset, which is when you believe that you can improve your skills with effort and practice, empowers you to embrace challenges and view setbacks as stepping stones.

I can imagine that you see which one will support you the most. 

Yes, growth mindset of course. It’s more flexible, dynamic, and open to change.  

You keep the power instead of giving your power away. 

Another example of a fixed mindset: Other people’s successes make me feel bad about myself.

Growth Mindset: Other people’s successes encourage and inspire me. They show me what is possible. 

So let’s dive into some things that can change your mindset when you need it the most; 

1. Focus on what’s working

In every situation, I bet you can find something that is working. For example, focus on what went well in the project instead of what got messed up. If you’re not feeling well, can you shift your attention to your wellness instead of your illness? By tuning into the positive, that expands. And then the opposite is also true of course.  

So focus on what you are awesome at instead of what you are not so awesome at. I know this is challenging for many women, especially if you tend to be very self-critical, but it’s a muscle that can be trained. 

2. Practice Gratitude 

Taking the time and effort to think about what you are grateful for, is a very effective strategy for switching your energy and vibration. This is proven by science that practicing gratitude produces serotonin and dopamine, and people who do this on a regular basis are happier and less depressed and see things through a more positive lens.

3. Lean into positivity 

Today I heard something awesome; Obstacles are detours in the right direction. Isn’t that a nice way of putting it? Sometimes life does not go as we plan, but if we choose to see it in a positive light, we are in a much better place than being a victim of circumstances. 

Say that something happens at work, and you want to call it a problem. Can you reframe it to a challenge instead? 

How will this change the way you talk about it and feel about it? And the way you approach possible solutions? Getting back to what I said in the intro; When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

4. Choose better thoughts 

Whenever you find yourself stuck in a negative spiral or self-critical thoughts, stop. 

Look at the thoughts and ask yourself, is this taking me closer to where I want to go, or further away? 

Because your thoughts will impact your energy, which will impact your behaviors and actions. So we don’t want to hang out with negative thoughts for more than a few seconds. 

Supporting my VIP clients with their thoughts is something I do on a daily basis, because they do affect us so much. If you want to go into this topic more, go back to episode 1 on your inner bitch. 

5. Get some sleep!

There is nothing like a good night’s sleep to change your mood and mindset. Sleep deprivation is known for putting a wet blanket on our mood and spirit. And so is exhaustion, which often comes from sleep deprivation. 

So if you’re not getting enough quality sleep, this can be a place to start. 

Many of my new clients suffer from sleeping problems, and if this is you, let’s talk. You can either book a 90-minute strategy session or fill out a work-with-me application on my website. I’ll drop links to these options in the show notes.

6. Cultivate Positive Relationships

Last week’s episode, nr 14, was about confidence, (which you should check out by the way) and I mentioned that one key to boosting confidence is to surround yourself with positivity. The same is true for mindset. 

So seek out people who inspire you and make you feel good about yourself. Distance yourself from people who drain your energy, and fill up with inspiration and motivation instead. 

Either through working with a coach, listening to uplifting podcasts and reading inspirational books. 

And if you live in Stockholm, I have something for you. On the 21st of September, I will be hosting a Badass Women Leaders Lunch Club. The topic is Manage Your Energy to Smash Your Day. 

You will get to network with like-minded people while having some jummy lunch and listen to a keynote by yours truly. 

For more info and sign-up, go to the link in the show notes! 

7. Mindfulness & meditation

I finish off with some of my favorite tools in the world, mindfulness and meditation. Practicing meditation is one of the most powerful things you can do to boost your mental capacity and health and to also see things in a more positive light. 

This is because regular meditation will rewire your brain, calms you down and gives you space between your thoughts and your reactions. 

Most of my VIP clients start to meditate as a part of the program with me, and they report that it helps them so much in all areas of their lives. 

One client story that touched me in such a profound way was that having a meditation practice supported her to stay calm in the most stressful situation ever, having a premature baby. 

We had just started working together when her water broke during the second trimester and she was hospitalized. She started to meditate once or twice per day for seven weeks and reported that it was the number one thing that helped her stay sane in the incredibly stressful situation. 

The baby stayed in the belly and could eventually be taken out and is now fine. She believes that the meditation practice made a huge difference both for her, and that it could have helped the baby to stay inside for so long as she kept her stress levels down. 

I’m so grateful to be part of her life and to see her baby grow in a healthy way. 

So now you might ask, what does all of this have to do with leadership? 


As a leader, you affect the people around you in so many ways. By focusing on improving your own mindset and mental wellbeing, you will not only feel better yourself, but you will also impact your colleagues and team members in a positive way. 

Feeling good, strong, and positive will also make you a better leader, decision-maker, and influencer. A positive mindset also has a stress-reducing effect and will make you more resilient and solution-oriented instead of just reactive. 

Remember, that you can always choose positivity and by infusing energy, fun, and excitement into all that you do, you will feel better and be more successful at your job.

So here’s my challenge to you: Pick one technique from today’s episode and put it into action this week. I’d love to hear your experiences so send me a DM on LinkedIn or drop me an email. 

Until next time, take care of yourself and go be a badass!


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