Ep 2. How Women Leaders Use Their Mind To Raise Their Power

Episode Transcript

Did you know that you have a true powerhouse in your brain at your service? 

It’s called your mindset, and it's something that you can work with more than you know.

The language you use to speak to yourself and others influences your mood, actions, and feelings right away. 

The more you catch yourself when you use “victim” language and switch it to something more positive, magic will happen and you will surely notice the difference.

You will instantly get a bit taller, more confident, happier, and calmer.

This episode is all about empowering yourself through language

Take Back Your Control and Grow Confidence

A few weeks ago week with one of my clients, I got a clear sense that her stress was triggered by the feelings of not being in control, and she felt that everything and everyone else was running her life except for her.

She was stressed and anxious about having way too much to do, and her schedule was packed with back-to-back meetings. Her expectations of herself were insane and Easter was around the corner, with all the extra stress that came with that.

We spoke about this, and she could see that her thoughts about the things she had to do was fueling the overwhelm. She also did not take charge of her schedule. This creates a feeling of being a victim of circumstances, and that is painful!

Can you relate?

We did several things in that meeting. We started by going through her schedule and see which meetings she could skip and which she could delegate to her team members. Just realizing that she didn’t need to be in all those meetings herself, saved her 4 hours that week.

Then we looked at her priorities and she could see what the most important things were. ‘Cause everything is NOT equally important.

 And now I’m getting to the main part of this episode; the language you use to speak to yourself and other’s ABOUT the things going on in your life.

How to Become More Powerful at Work

I will share some examples of words that you probably use daily and don’t even think about and how you can replace them to take back control:

Instead of saying “I can’t do that”, say ”I won’t do that”. I won’t be in that meeting, but my teammate will. That’s a big difference in keeping your power.

Instead of saying “I should do that”, say “I could do that”.

How many should’s are running through your head right now just hearing that?

Instead of saying “I have to do that”, say, “I get to do that” or “I choose to do that”, or even “I want to do that”. So now you can replace; “I have to make that presentation”, to “I want to make that presentation”.

See the difference?

I am sure you have a ton of things on your to-do list that you label as “have-to-do’s”.

How many want-to-do’s do you have?

Something to reflect on.

Let’s continue with the word-switching.

When something happens and you want to say; “It’s not my fault”, switch to; “I’m totally responsible for how I act and react on this”.

This is actually true. Just look at which part you are responsible for and what you can control. In almost all situations there is something.

Instead of saying “It’s a problem”, say ”it’s an opportunity”. ‘Cause very often it is.

When you are anticipating something and usually say “I hope this will go my way”, switch to “I know it will go my way”. You are the cause of the matter.

“If only.. I had done this” can be replaced by “Next time I will do this instead”.

The question “What will I do”? can be replaced by “I know I can handle it”.

Here’s a summary;

I can’t → I won’t
I should → I could
I have to → I get to / I want to / I choose to
It’s not my fault → I’m totally responsible
It’s a problem → It’s an opportunity
I’m never satisfied → I want to learn and grow
I hope → I know
If only → Next time
What will I do? → I know I can handle it

Be Responsive Rather Than Reactive

See what happens here?

You take back the control and the power, and suddenly you are in charge! You have a choice, a more positive outlook and you are responsive, rather than reactive.

And this with the simple technique of switching the words you use to yourself and others.

You can find all these words and examples in the show notes at sofiavoncelsing.com/2.

If you find yourself on the less powerful side of the vocabulary a bit too often, don't despair.

Becoming aware of it is step 1.
Step 2 is to decide to do something about it.
Step 3 is to talk to me.

To be stuck in victim mode is not a nice place to be, been there done that.  

Let's work on switching your mindset to more empowering, positive thoughts, that will put you in the driver's seat of your life and happiness.

Take care of yourself and go be a badass!


Ep 3. 7 Ways to Stop Yourself from Crashing at the End of a Workday


Ep 1. Is Your Inner B*tch Running the Show?