Ep 42: Burnout to Breakthrough: My Journey of Recovery, Self-Discovery, and Why I Help Women Thrive

Episode show notes:

In September 2013, I was having the time of my life but burned the most important budget I had; my own health.

I was project managing a dream project. The idea was my own, and I got to run with it - Spotify style. 

Everything would have been perfect if it wasn’t for my own health. 

At the age of 27, when the project was finished, I just couldn’t get out of bed. I had burned out and was left a wreck. 

I absolutely loved my job, but I had no idea how to take care of myself.

The recovery took many years but eventually, it led me to what I do today. For this, I am incredibly grateful. 

I decided to share my story, to help others not end up where I did, or seek support, for themselves, a colleague, or a loved one if they can relate. Or get inspiration to what’s possible even if it seems really dark at the time. 

I talk about my own burnout story, the background, the symptoms, the transformation, and the learnings. 

I also share how this led me to become a wellbeing and performance coach for women leaders and how I support my clients today. 

This episode was released for the first time exactly one year ago, but I decided to release it again, on the day, 11 years after my burnout, as it had a lot of downloads and is still as relevant today.


Ep 41: It’s Your Turn: How to Empower Yourself Through Self-Investment