Ep 7. How To Switch Off and Recharge During a Busy Summer Vacation

Episode Transcript

Summer is here, at least in this part of the world, and a longer vacation is coming up for many of us. 

And if you are like most ambitious women leaders I know, you have been working hard these last couple of weeks or months, to get everything done to finally, be able to relax and take some well-deserved time off. 

But a summer holiday can be more overwhelming and chaotic than calm and relaxing, especially if you have kids and love to have stuff going on.

Combining this with struggling to take time for yourself and to ask for help, can be a recipe for mental breakdown, and leaving you just as exhausted come August.  

This episode will cover how you can set the stage to be able to relax and switch off, but also squeeze in moments of recovery, during the hustle and bustle of a busy holiday.

Summer is here, at least in this part of the world, and a longer vacation is coming up for many of us. 

And if you are like most ambitious women leaders I know, you have been working hard these last couple of weeks or months, to get everything done to finally, be able to relax and take some well-deserved time off. 

But a summer holiday can be more overwhelming and chaotic than calm and relaxing, especially if you have kids and love to have stuff going on.

Combining this with struggling to take time for yourself and to ask for help, can be a recipe for mental breakdown, and leaving you just as exhausted come August.  

This episode will cover how you can set the stage to be able to relax and switch off, but also squeeze in moments of recovery, during the hustle and bustle of a busy holiday.

Hi ladies, 

In the last episode, nr 6, I interviewed one of my clients, Anna, about her burnout story. She mentioned that in the years leading up to her sick leave, she got sick every time vacation came up. 

It’s so common to crash when you finally get some time off. You have been pushing so hard during the busy season, and been going on cortisol and adrenaline, and then when vacation comes and you start to slow down, illness and exhaustion catch up with you. 

This was the situation for me for many years. I would get tension headaches, fever, and all sorts of infections every time I had a longer break. 

It’s like the body can start sensing, that now, it’s safe to relax, and the symptoms of having pushed a bit too much, come after you like a tsunami. 

Maybe you are already on holiday now, or you are still working for a few more weeks. 

I’m going to give you 5 strategies that will support you to reduce stress and increase your energy, both before going on holiday, and also during the time off.

Give Yourself a Soft Landing 

During the last week of work, find times for relaxation. Even small moments can make a big difference, in a packed schedule. Prioritize exercise, yoga, walks, meditation, social activity or just anything that will get your stress levels down. 

It might seem like a mission impossible, but is there something you can let go of in order to make it happen? 

Delegate and Manage Expectations

What can you delegate to others when you are away? What simply has to wait until you’re back? What do you need to communicate to colleagues, customers, clients and team members about your availability? Do you really need to check email and slack during your time off or can you set an out of office? And stick to it? 

All of these things are vital to give yourself a chance to actually switch off. And having communicated it to others will make it easier for you to relax and trust that things are under control.

Because, if you are like many of my clients, you love to be in control, and letting go of that is tricky for you. 

Now, over to some strategies to find rest during a busy vacation time, possibly packed with activities, family visits, and sunscreen fights. 

Communicate Your Needs

In order to get what you want, and need, you have to ask for it. Don’t assume that others will know this, or offer it. Most of the time they won’t. But also, most of the time, they won’t mind either. And they might get inspired to do the same!

Communicate your needs and wishes to your family and friends and practice not feeling guilty about it. This can be things like:

  • I need to take 10 minutes to myself now before I blow up. I will go and meditate. 

  • I want to go for a walk sometime during the day. When would this be possible? 

  • I would love to get 30 mins uninterrupted time to read my book. Can you please watch the kids? 

Talk about your needs and wishes and explain why they are essential to your well-being. And ask others for theirs! Taking turns with chores and kids, will allow others to also get some me-time. 

My financé Anders and I do it on a regular basis, taking turns so that the other one can do something that fills up their energy cup. Life with two small kids under 5 is intense, and we know we will be better and more patient parents, if we get some refills, even if it's just for 15 mins.

Embrace Micro-Moments of Self-Care

While extended periods of uninterrupted rest may be hard during a busy vacation, you can find micro-moments of self-care throughout the day. These moments can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, enjoying a cup of tea or coffee in solitude, or getting away for a quick walk or exercise. 

Or, if you’re in the car on your way somewhere, and not the driver, close your eyes for a moment instead of checking Instagram.

These small acts of self-care can fill up your cup and help you stay centered and grounded. 

Share Responsibilities & Ask For Help

As a high-achieving women leader, you are used to take on multiple roles and responsibilities. During a busy vacation, it's so important to remember that you don't have to do everything by yourself. 

Delegate tasks to your partner, take turns in the kitchen, involve your children in age-appropriate responsibilities or consider hiring some assistance if possible. 

Sharing the load will free up time for you to rest and recharge, knowing that others are supporting you.

Incorporating Rest and Recovery Into Your Summer Vacation may seem challenging, but by communicating your needs, managing expectations, embracing micro-moments of self-care, and sharing responsibilities, you can find the balance you need. 

Remember, by taking care of yourself, you'll have more energy and presence to create beautiful memories with your family. Put your own oxygen-mask on first. 

Before we wrap up today's episode, I want to leave you with a powerful quote by Katie Reed: 

“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” 

This gives me goosebumps because it’s so true. 

Until next time, take care, and go be a badass!


Ep 8. Increase Your Presence Like a Boss


Ep 6. From Severe Burnout to Top Health and Dream Job - A Client Story