Ep 8. Increase Your Presence Like a Boss

Episode Show Notes

Where are you right now? Not physically, but mentally? 

Be honest with yourself, and rate your own presence on a scale from one to ten. 

Being present is not woo-woo, it’s a muscle that you can train, and being able to use that muscle, is a superpower that you might not be aware of.

When you practice being present, you activate the prefrontal cortex, the executive part of the brain. This makes it easier to be creative, thoughtful, decisive, and remember things, which you definitely need in your life and career.

In this episode, we will dive into the topic of using summer vacation as an opportunity to practice being more present, which you will benefit from in all areas of your life, including your health and performance.

Hi ladies, 

Summer is a magical time, filled with warmth, relaxation, and the opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones. 

For high-achieving women leaders like you, it can be challenging to slow down and fully embrace the present moment, even if you are on vacation. 

You are often caught up in your head, constantly thinking about the next thing to do or fix, missing out on life. 

However, by intentionally using your summer vacations as a time for presence and mindfulness, you can both recharge AND work on your executive skills.

The Power of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

As a teacher in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, or MBSR for short, I’ve seen both first and second-hand how powerful this work is. That’s why I always incorporate this into the work I do with my clients, both as guided meditations during sessions and also as homework. 

And I love the fact that its effectiveness is fully backed by science, and that the work of MBSR is incorporated in so many areas around the globe, from large corporations, to hospitals, prisons, leadership programs, retreats, and all sorts of rehab. 

So, let's explore some techniques that can help you make the most of your summer vacation and foster a deeper sense of presence in your life. 

Remember, these practices are not just for vacation but can be incorporated into our daily routines and work as well.

Using the Power of Your Feet 

At any given moment, paying attention to your feet will bring you back to what’s going on right now. And during summer, this is particularly awesome, as we spend more time barefoot. 

Your feet are the connection between you and the earth, and by shifting your awareness to what you can sense under your feet, you instantly get more grounded. 

So my advice is, to spend more time barefoot. Take a walk in a garden, park or on the beach, barefoot, and just take in all the sensations you are feeling. The temperature of the grass, the texture, the shifts. Notice all details of how it feels when your toes touch the ground, the heels, the soles of your feet. 

This you can also do while cooking, playing, walking, and of course, with shoes on too. 

I’ve become so fond of the barefoot feeling that I’ve started replacing my old cushioned shoes with more barefoot types of shoes. It’s addictive, and I don’t want to go back. 

I’ve mentioned this in previous episodes too, but using the power of your feet in an important meeting is just as effective. 

The 3, 3, 3 exercise. 

This is another favorite of mine, that I used a lot during my burnout recovery, but also regularly now to get out of my head and back to what’s happening in front of me. This you can do in any situation, walking, working, cooking, or playing, and it’s excellent both for reducing stress and anxiety, as well as becoming more present and enjoying life more.

So, start by paying attention to three things you can see, and say it in your head. 

For example, if you’re out walking, it can be, I see a pine tree, I see the clouds, I see the ocean. And then, switch to things you can hear. I hear the wind in the leaves, I hear birds singing and I hear my steps on the graveled path. 

And last, what you sense. I sense my feet on the ground, I feel the sun on my face and I feel the softness of my jumper. 

When you engage your senses, you activate the more sophisticated part of your brain and get out of survival mode. The less activation in the survival brain, the less stress and anxiety, and the more connection to your inner wisdom. 

Using Your Breath As an Anchor

Another powerful technique is mindful breathing. Find a quiet spot and take a few moments to focus on your breath. Observe the sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your body. 

Whenever your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath. This practice helps calm the mind and anchors you in the present moment, creating a sense of inner stillness and clarity. 

This you can do at any time, whenever you feel stuck in your head. 

Digital Detox

Use your summer vacation as an opportunity to unplug and have a digital detox. Disconnect from emails, social media, and notifications that demand your attention. 

Instead, give yourself permission to be fully present with your loved ones and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and put away your phone in a closet. And turn it off! Just that makes a difference. 

This can be for as little as an hour a day, or if you want to go hard-core, make it a day or even a week. 

Being free from digital distractions allows you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment and strengthen your connections with the people and experiences around you. 

I did a Screen-free Saturday some months ago with my family and it was amazing. No screens for everyone, for 24 hours. It truly made a huge difference in our creativity, and the kids were soo much happier. We will definitely do it again this summer, and every time I do it, I realize how much I am caught up in my phone, and how much time it steals. 

Mindful Movement:

Engaging in mindful movement practices, such as yoga, tai chi, or a simple walk, can help you become more present in your body. Pay attention to each movement, the sensations in your muscles, and the flow of energy throughout your body. 

By grounding yourself in your physical experience, you slow down the mind.

Gratitude Practice:

Practicing gratitude is a powerful way to shift your focus to the present and cultivate a positive mindset. Take a few moments each day to reflect on what you're grateful for. 

Whether it's the beautiful sunset, quality time with loved ones, or even the simplest pleasures like a refreshing summer breeze, consciously acknowledging and appreciating these moments helps anchor you in the present and nurtures a sense of peace.

So all of these things I’ve mentioned, will not only make you happier, it will also make you a better leader, parent, co-worker, partner and friend. 

Like our kids notice right away if we are present or not, so do the people around us. 

Remember, presence is not about achieving perfection or ticking off another task on our to-do list. It's about being alive and engaged, and don’t judge yourself when you get back in your head. You are human, as all of us. 

So let yourself slow down and have a beautiful day. 

Until next time, take care of yourself, and go be a badass!


Ep 9. Improve Your Sleep to Boost Mental & Physical Capacity


Ep 7. How To Switch Off and Recharge During a Busy Summer Vacation